I Love the 80’s


Alright, so this isn’t really fitness-related, but I bought in and switched my theme. I am such a sucker for all things eighties! I can’t help myself. The little girl in me does a happy dance when her childhood is honored in any way, shape or form. And today, that form comes in a WordPress theme. 🙂

What is it about nostalgia? I spend a lot of my time working on staying present, but the feeling of nostalgia feels like home.

Also, side note: this week has been perfectly imperfect. I can feel myself striving, and perhaps even shifting. I have faith and hope. I am practicing my affirmations, and it feels GOOD. And holy shit, it feels good to feel good. I also did a 20 minute guided meditation yesterday, (with Deepak Chopra and OPRAH!) I plan on doing another one today.

And I guess switching my theme to the eighties theme does have to do with my fitness, because it has to do with honoring myself–honoring my inner child. Want to know a silly confession? I was afraid to switch it from the one I was already using (hexa). I love geometry (the ONLY math I like), and I love the honey-comb, hexagon shapes on that theme. I was afraid of the change (are you getting the symbolism here?) But I made the change anyway. And now I am happy about it, and I can always change back. This is my life and me, in a nut shell. Or my past me. It’s all about those baby steps. It’s all about doing (even the very) little things that make you happy.

And with that, I am off. Wishing you all a healthy and peaceful Friday!
